Leon and the Place Between

I own the stage rights to this book and alongside producer Helen Milne am currently looking for a venue. Any thoughts do get in touch: amy@amydraper.co.uk


January 2012

This was a second, Arts Council funded workshop on a children’s book adaptation held at the Unicorn Theatre and produced by The Building Site Theatre Company. I worked with six actors* and writer Dawn King to explore different ways to tell the story. We held an industry showing at the Unicorn to generate interest in the eventual show.

Leon and the Place Between from Building Site Theatre on Vimeo.


Since then progress was halted by the fact that Disney bought the rights and then subsequently revoked the rights… The good news is that I have now purchased them. The creative team has also grown to include designer Charlie Cridlan.

It’s an ongoing quest. Watch this space!


*Mariam Haque, Rew Lowe, Phil Yarrow, Bryony Hannah, Hasan Dixon, Samantha Sutherland


Posted in Future